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About CVFD

Centreville Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) is one of 12 private, non-profit fire and rescue companies working in partnership with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department to provide emergency and non-emergency services to protect lives, property, and the environment. Our volunteers are firefighters, EMT’s and administrative personnel who take pride in serving their community. If you would like to be a part of our family visit the Join Us page for more information.

CVFD operates out of two fire stations:

  • Fire Station 17, 5856 Old Centreville Road — CVFD owns the land, building, and apparatus.
  • Fire Station 38, 6001 O’Day Drive — Fairfax County owns the land and building. The County owns the engine and ladder truck; CVFD owns the ambulances.

Both stations are staffed with career Fairfax County firefighters and EMTs 24 hours per day. CVFD provides additional and supplemental staffing.